Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting Over. For the last time.

I did something tonight. I deleted every post from this blog except for the last one I posted. I am sick of reading back and seeing a very BIG trend in my documented journey. The trend of NO CHANGE. It was a blog of starting over. over and over and over again.

So I deleted it.

I am sick of seeing that as a reminder of each and every failure. Granted, there were some successes... but I am here, a year later at almost where I started a year ago. So, today is a fresh start. I for reals am starting over this time. I will write about the good, the bad, and the ugly. It really is time for some change.

Here are my goals for the months ahead:
  • Drink WAY more water and WAY LESS Diet Coke.
  • Get back into running. {I don't know how this is going to happen yet... but I know I want it to happen. I guess until I love it, I will fake it til I make it.}
  • Work out 6 days a week.
  • Eat better. More veggies and fruit, less candy and junk.
  • Be better at blogging my journey.
  • Ultimate Goal: to lose 30 pounds by May 1st.
Wish me luck, my friends!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

feeling inspired.

It's been a great 1st week. It's not been that hard to eat good foods. I haven't had one cookie, chocolate or anything too fattening. I am feeling really good about that. I found this new website. It's called myfitnesspal.com. Oh my gosh, I love it! You should really check it out. It calculates how many calories you should be eating every day. You can keep track of all the food you eat and it counts the calories for you. It is so easy! And the best part is, at the end of the day, it tells you something like... "if everyday were like today, you weigh ____ by ____. You get it. Fill in the blanks. Anyway, it is awesome. It has totally given me motivation to see some great results.

I really like dieting during the holidays. It gives me a good sense of control. It makes me want to choose wisely the things I eat. Instead of just having some crazy free-for-all. I am excited to see some great results.

As of today, I have lost 2 pounds since the beginning of the week. I feel good about that! I would love to lose 2 pounds a week.

p.s. I started a new "ticker." So the weight I have already lost is not put into account on my ticker anymore. Just FYI.